Tuesday, June 5, 2012

8 Signs of Hidden Water Damage

The devastating and long lasting negative effects that sudden and accidental water damage can have upon the inhabitants of an affected structure are well known and well established. What is not realized by affected persons during such challenging times is the mixed blessing of the intruding water being ample enough that the structure's owner understands the immediate need to remediate the situation as quickly and as thoroughly as possible; unfortunately, such is NOT the case when it comes to hidden water damage.

The known and often discussed challenges and maladies that result from the onset of sudden and accidental damage are often times magnified by hidden water damage as such damage, as its name implies, may not be found until such time as extensive structural damage has occurred and/or potentially toxic and debilitating microbial activity is well underway. Pursuant to and in agreement with the ancient sagely adage... an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure but how does one protect itself from hidden water damage? Here are some warning signs that, if observed, can indicate that you may be affected...

  1. Your water bill is slowly increasing without visible cause or notice of rate increase
  2. Your wallpaper or paint is peeling, boiling, or cracking
  3. You notice strange discoloration of your walls, ceiling, or carpeting
  4. You may hear a quiet dripping sound when trying to sleep
  5. There is a moldy or musty foul odor that cannot be found
  6. Your baseboards seem to be swelling or peeling away from the wall
  7. One of your rooms seems to be cooler than the others
  8. Finding unexpected or recurring moisture in areas NOT typically wet

The reasons for hidden water damage run the gambit of potential sources from intrawall pipe break through a breach in your roofing shingles/tiles. Regardless of the source, the longer hidden water damage remains unabated, the longer and more severe the consequences for the structure and the structure's inhabitants. Hopefully you are able to find and cure the problem yourself before the situation gets out of control, exponentially, but should the circumstances be beyond control, rest assured that an independent, water damage restoration company is willing and able to handle this scenario for you.

Only an independent water damage restoration company works for and in the customer's best interest as its survival and livelihood are contingent upon quality work and customer satisfaction. Such company has achieved its status through a significant investment in education, equipment, and ongoing certification to ensure its techniques are cutting edge in order to return its customer to its preloss condition as quickly and as invasively as possible.

Choose wisely... choose the best... choose to ONLY use your local independent professional to address your water damaged asset.

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